
May 11

The afternoon shift rambles on like a Headmaster

There are one or two things to make it go faster

You can sneakily play pool (keeping an eye on the till)

Or babble on with a traveler from Denmark or Brazil

Hell you can even work, wouldn't that be terrific

Prepare lemons and cutlery until you're absolutely prolific

I tend to throw a bit of back and forth with the cooks

Making hypocritical comments about how they need to hit the books

May 10

People float by in this dreamworld of mine

I wake at odd hours and the days intertwine

Work is not work and yet rest is not itself either

Learning brings me back, it offers me a breather

A language is magic, wisps of something out of reach

I find myself enchanted by the moment that I breach

The assumption that I'll never understand the hidden code

The fogginess disintegrates and I'm skipping down the road  

May 9

The Peruvian handshake left me looking like quite the chump

It's a double slap of the hand followed by a fist bump

However this bump is no ordinary converging of knuckles

You bend your elbow and hammer your hand at the other till it buckles

For the uninitiated this foreign movement can be quite unnerving

For your first few shakes it's worth just simply observing

Throw in a 'todo bien' or 'tranquilo' as the shake gets better

In no time at all you'll be more local than a llama sweater

May 8

A beautiful film (worth much more than a look)

Is 'El libro de la selva' - or 'The Jungle Book'

It's a rare remake that equals the original

That I could only understand parts, only added to the thrill

Beautiful company, what more could you ask

Finding a better day would be a difficult task

Topped off with juice, god how good is juice

I'll be back here again, I'll find an excuse

May 7

Staff lunch on a calm Saturday

Pedro whipped up an Israeli buffet

I probed the team on Spanish swearing

I learnt some words that are well worth sharing

It was 4 or 5 by the time we ate

Carlos was ready to put his shoe on a plate

Then talk turned to the visit of the owner of the bar

No more eating customer meals, absolutely bizarre 

May 6

For the life of me I cannot fathom

Why people here insist on covering every limb

No one wears shorts, no matter the heat

It could be sweltering and they'd still be clothed to their feet

Sure I go with it, after all it's not my country

But just get your kit off, to put it bluntly

Unleash those calves upon the unsuspecting fresh air

Here you have guy who won't stop and stare

May 5

Good people attract others alike

A watering hole at the end of a hike

Here at Milhouse there's an endless stream

Of friendships, insights and messages to gleam

It takes two to salsa, you have to be willing

To receive those messages rather than filling

Those empty spaces with your own projections

Be at ease with multiple directions

May 4

A loose plan for an Indian quest

With the bro and the sis and a youthful zest

In the most inappropriate vehicle known to man

The majestic rickshaw, catch us if you can

And you will - it has the top speed of a table

Its three wheels point to something unstable

It's frivolous and fraught with all sorts of fun

I can feel the tingles, it has begun

May 3

Peruvians are a classy bunch

They like dessert with their lunch

They get shoes shined while reading the paper

They prefer wobbly bricks to a skyscraper

They all know the same slick handshake

They don't believe in the concept of a car brake

They'll shower you in praise while taking the mick

They make it difficult to feel homesick

May 2

Tight lycra pants stand staggered on the streets

Blowing whistles at cars amongst reggaeton beats

Their traffic directing skills are something of a falsehood

First and foremost, their goal is to look good

It appears to be solely a female position

Which does make me treat the role with suspicion

If they're having fun, who am I to judge

If there's a position going maybe I'll give it a nudge

May 1

Maybe May was made for me

A month crafted specifically

Solely for the purposes of Ryan

And his plodding prose prying

And poking at different matters

As the illusion of sense shatters

Or maybe by the end of May

I won't have captivated in any way