
September 10

The Great Milhouse Beer Pong Champs

Chucho and I started off like gramps

Slow and steady, then gaining speed

An unshakeable unstoppable force indeed

The final was upon us and we could see

Our American challengers had strong pedigree

My throw wouldn't click but Chucho stepped up

Draining four in a row and we took home the cup

September 9

Those two beautiful words appeared on the screen

'File corrupted' - every editor's dream

A day of work lost in the binary abyss

Maybe my saving technique was a bit hit and miss

Up went the sleeves and a baring of teeth

Channeling the injustice simmering beneath

A kind of creative rage ensued

Words were said but they were rude

September 8

No quiero escribir hoy

Palabras no vienen porque estoy

Cansado, y no no dormi suficiente

Podria dormir ahora facilmente

Pero no, voy a escribir porque tengo que

Necesitas algo leer, esto yo se

Cuando leas esto, trata de disfrutar

Y si no entiendes, puedes llorar

September 7

Going back through footage of the trip

Watching donkey riding and Tom's courtship

Bolivia was such a ridiculous place

The salt flats resembled outer space

It was cheap and wild and mind expanding

The slower Spanish made for better understanding

A country more suited to a roaming backpack

Than a family looking for a place to kick back

September 6

A day of productivity and intense administration

I'm not seeking compliments just a gentle ovation

Ever since I wandered through Bolivia and Brasil

The path ahead materialised as I became more still

For me there is a comfort in knowing where I want to go

The daily stuff will sort itself when there's a direction to flow

Sometimes it's nice to wander, and sometimes to walk somewhere

I think wandering keeps the mind from becoming too square

September 5

Today I am a conscientious objector

I don't feel like dipping into poetic nectar

The war is not out there, it is in my mind

The material screams WRITE but I've declined

A day off work to refresh and regroup

Cold water on the face and a hot bowl of soup

I'll bounce back harder than an expert sudoku

It will sting your eyes like misplaced shampoo

September 4

I chased the ball like I'd been let out of a cage

A look of ecstasy mixed with a touch of road rage

This is what happens when I haven't played in a while

A footballer returning from an unintentional exile

The altitude softened the initial energy burst

I was shooting like both of my feet had been cursed

It felt great to play despite the scoreline

We left just as the sun forgot how to shine

September 3

My head flicks back and forth like I'm at a tennis match

The words slip like soap, too fast to catch

I'm in a room filled with Argentineans - never a good idea

Not because of the company just the verbal diarrhoea

Now I'm humming in my head, how did that song go?

Maybe I'll ask Marcus later, I'm sure he will know

Oh shit hang on, I think that question was directed at me

I dissolve back to real life and try to brandish something witty

September 2

The kiwi sense of humour is an acquired taste

Some people chew and spit out with haste

I can't get enough, especially on the big screen

A few scenes deep I'm giggling like I'm fourteen

There's an honesty to it, a deep sense of place

And a vulnerability that I think more kiwis need to embrace

Meat pies at the dairy, jandals for scorching feet

Two bucks in your pocket looking for something sweet

September 1

This evening we went to a cooking demonstration

The meal involved prawns to my frustration

You see prawns and myself used to get on quite well

Now they get a kick out of making my mouth swell

On into the next room, and a bartending class

The man lived for what he put in a glass

Flavours infused with a flurry of motion

This was an art form of some devotion